This turned out to be quite a puzzle, didn't it? The enlargement shows the lower left corner of a paper wasp's nest with the light on the autumn leaves behind.
I like the reference to dark and light, known and unknown, solid ground, flight, and faith in the quotation, all of which seemed to relate to the photograph. I added my own few rhyming words to the clue.
For more on the paper wasps and what I gleaned from this particular nest when I found it, already done serving its purpose and beginning to fall apart, please click here: Leavings
The beginning quote is called Faith and is by Patrick Overton. A teacher, scholar, poet, playwright, author, lyricist, speaker, and visual artist, Overton has devoted his entire adult life to exploring human communication, designing and building organizational systems that enhance the development of the human community, and creating innovative resource networks to help people in rural and small communities nurture the invisible culture of Rural Genius.
For more information on Patrick Overton: