"I don't want
to make a bird out of a pine cone!" Arriving for the morning's nature
study, this rambunctious ten-year-old boy had seen the projects of the six to
eight- year-olds strewn about on the table and grass. Those children had chosen
a cone, colored and glued on paper wings and bills, and then formed a nest of
twigs, grass, moss, dog fur, and - in some cases - mud for it to
"nest" in. He did not want to do what the younger kids had done. Of
course not.
"I don't want to make a bird... or a mud
nest, either." He was adamant and the others looked as if they might
agree. "You don't have to - that's
what the younger kids did. You're all older, so we'll do something different -
out in the woods." The eyes
rolled and the questions started, but I learned long ago that enthusiasm and
mystique only add to a learning experience, so plowed on. "You'll see - you'll be constructing
The overall theme of the
week was "Under Construction" with a sub-theme each day. We would be
delving into how a community shares, cares, worships, and celebrates. My intent
was to tie these into nature studies.
We had looked into how ants share within
their anthill and on this day were learning how hard birds work to care for
their young - even before any eggs are laid. And we humans? It definitely takes
effort, and sometimes sacrifices, to care for each other. We talked about the
ways in which we can show that we do care for others.
Each child chose a
rock and then we were off to the woods. A short ways in they were given their
challenge: to pretend their rock was a bird, explore and choose what they
thought was a good spot for a nest, construct the nest using whatever they could
find, and make sure that their "bird" fit in the nest. Oh - and one
more thing. They were each given a simple pair of tongs to use during some of
the construction. Birds don't have hands with fingers and thumbs, you know.
Later, as I related
this experience to the mom of that particular boy, she told me of his reaction
to this activity. He came out of the woods, sought her out, and exclaimed:
"Mom, come see the nest that I made!"
While I care deeply about all of the children that I interact with, it's not
always easy to get through to them. I have to say - that one statement pretty
much made my day!
the sparrow finds a home,
the swallow a nest for herself,
she may lay her young,
your altars, O LORD of hosts,
King and my God.
84: 3
their possessions and goods,
they gave to anyone as he had need.