Wednesday, February 21, 2018


A wallop catches us
Off guard
a card, dealt under the table
Unfairly, perhaps,
A nasty slight of hand
Strong enough to numb
And cast us abroad
Into an endless sea of fear and doubt
Tossed about
Helpless to do anything but
Barely hold our heads above water
It may be bad news, a crushing loss,
Circumstances that lay us flat
Render us unable to even clear our mind
We find
We have no idea who we are or where we’re headed
We struggle – aimlessly, even fiercely -
But to no avail
For the headwind is strong and we…
Clearly, we see
Are not strong enough nor brave enough
To weather the storm alone
This storm, anyway
They say to “let go and let God”
And yes, it may be best to
Let go of all that we cannot control
With the final goal
To be rid of worry, fear, and fitful tossing…
What of the times where you stand a chance
To gain a foothold, a toe hold, a sliver of hope-hold?
With a glimmer beyond, hold on for dear life
With all that is in you and know
That others reach out to hold on to you
With love, caring, hope, and faith
We hold on to each other because
That is what we are meant to do
And HE holds on to all of us
Who seem to need a reminder of this

 There's an opportune time to do things,
a right time for everything on the earth...
A right time to search and another to count your losses.
A right time to hold on and another to let go…
Whatever was, is
Whatever will be, is
That’s how it always is with God
  ~ Ecclesiastes 3:10-11 and 15 (from The Message)