"Remember to breathe.
It is, after all, the secret of life.”
Gregory Maguire, A Lion Among Men
Let go.
And remind yourself that this very moment
is the only one you know you have for sure."
Oprah Winfrey
Summer here in the Pacific Northwest was outstanding - warm, sunny, dry,
and seemingly endless. But now autumn has arrived, bringing with it a cooling -
warmth dropping a peg or two, and rain up more than that. I have loved the rich
fecundity of summer but our temperate forests need the rain. It is time, once
again, for acceptance of change:
To work long and hard amid
living things is a priceless experience.
- Tens of thousands of sea
stars are dying and we've yet to know why.
- To fully hear the sounds of the
earth is to deeply connect on another level.
- Contemplate all who came
before - and all who are yet to come.
- Solitude is not the same as loneliness.
“I am never alone
wherever I am.
The air itself supplies
me with a century of love.
When I breathe in, I am
breathing in the laughter, tears, victories,
passions, thoughts,
memories, existence, joys, moments,
and the hues of the
sunlight on many tones of skin;
I am breathing in the
same air that was exhaled by many before me.
The air that bore them
And so how can I ever
say that I am alone?”
~ C. JoyBell C.
- For most, busyness has become a way of life.
- Many of us can change our lives - if we want.
- Some are nesters, fussing
and rearranging without going anywhere.
- Some are travelers, coming,
going, yearning to be elsewhere.
- Some are both.
“Divide the constant
tide and random noisiness of energetic flow,
with conscious recurring
moments of empty mind,
solitude, gratitude
Of this, the natural law
of self-preservation demands.”
~ T. F. Hodge
Photo by Linda Baker
- We are all growing older.
- Growing older is not the same as being older.
- None of us knows how long we will be here.
- NEVER let a day pass without saying "I love you" - to someone.
- And mean it.
Photo by Linda Baker
“The river is now.
This moment.
This breath between us.
The space between your
The moment before you
The instant a thought
flashes through your mind.
It is everything that is
around us.
Life. Energy.
Flowing, endlessly
flowing, carrying you
from then...to now...to
Listen: you can hear the
music of it.
Of the passage of time.”
~ Lisa Mangum
good to be back - I hope that you will be also...