Inchworm Sees the World (Colored Pencil)

You see, sometimes I just want to leave adulthood behind and go back to being a child. I just want to sleep as long as I like, wake to a warm breakfast cooked by my loving, ever-patient dad, and ponder what to do in the day that stretches before me.
This day will be boundless - filled with serious play. For there are still so many things to experience, see, discover, and do. The day has no time in my mind, only the here and now. Each experience presents itself and I spend as long exploring it as I want, or am allowed to, before moving on to the next one. There is a sense of anticipation and eagerness for what the day might hold. Some of it may be filled with learning a new skill or method, which I do intentionally and thoughtfully. Some of it may be spent pondering and daydreaming, imagining the possibilities of what might be. And much of it will be spent in the sheer joy of doing what I most love to do, both mentally and physically. I will hug my friends. When I’m tired, I will rest; when I’m hungry, I will eat. I will laugh with abandonment and cry when I am hurt, angry or sad. And when I need help, or can no longer cope, I will run to a parent, who will hold me, comfort me, and assure me that all is well. I will be relaxed and content at the end of the day, and drift easily off into dream-filled sleep.
In many ways, I am an adult. In the long days and years of growing up, I have become aware of my abilities, developed many skills, discovered endless opportunities, and taken part in many activities that I enjoy. I’ve married, established a home, had a family and acquired possessions. I’ve faced obstacles, made tough decisions, and overcome difficulties. I consider myself mature.
I have learned that life’s path is not smooth; it has its ups and downs and dangerous curves. Things don’t always go as planned, or imagined. I’ve taken heavy blows - heartache and grief are painful things. My decisions have not always been wise, my inadequacies are many. I’ve been mean, spiteful, full of rage and angry indignation. There are many things I have no control over. Life is SO unfair!
But I’ve learned one other thing - I’m not the one in charge. Although I can do many things, and need to, I’m not running the whole show. I do not know all the ways, hows, and whys of this world. I certainly don’t have all the answers.
Like a child, I need only put one foot in front of the other and progress through life. I’ve skinned far more than my knees, and have been picked up many times. But I am loved, and am never alone - in this I trust. I will not worry about tomorrow - for it is a brand new day.
Sweet Determination (Colored Markers)
And - like a child - I will go forward to meet it with eager anticipation.
“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 18:3-4 & 19:14
Wonderful insights. Are those your drawings? Cool ones!
ReplyDeleteThe drawings are indeed mine. I have a story in my head about the inchworm who sets out to see the world but never gets further than his own backyard. Maybe someday I'll get it written. Thanks for your comments!